
I'm Kasia and I am a Certified ThetaHealer®. I have completed the Basic DNA and Advanced DNA seminars in the ThetaHealing® technique as well as Intuitive Anatomy and Wealth Consciousness.


What is ThetaHealing® technique?

ThetaHealing technique is a powerful energy healing modality that combines science and spirituality to identify and instantly transform deeply held blocks, negative beliefs and trauma in the unconscious mind. ThetaHealing technique works seamlessly to heal a physical body and/or to transform negative thought patterns or beliefs on all levels and in the DNA, empowering you to re-create your life exactly as you choose to.

The ThetaHealing meditation technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health.  Her original book details her personal healing journey and her connection to the Creator utilizing her meditation technique. 

To Learn more about the ThetaHealing technique, visit www.thetahealing.com


What ThetaHealing® technique can help me with?

  • Attaining better health and a sense of well-being
  • Physical healing of any condition, imbalance or dis-ease
  • Releasing emotional blocks to achieve a desired goal
  • Developing fulfilling and harmonious relationships
  • Finding love
  • Finding your life’s purpose
  • Uncovering your ideal career
  • Helping you resolve your financial situation
  • Releasing fears and phobias
  • Releasing self-doubt, anxiety, anger and resentment related issues
  • Resolving past traumas
  • Freeing you from habits and addictions that do not serve you
  • Bonding with your loved ones
  • Spiritual growth
  • Creating a fuller, happier life
  • Creating abundance
  • Unlocking your creativity
  • Increasing confidence and self-esteem
  • Achieving personal freedom
  • Manifesting your dreams


How many sessions would I need?

It depends on your intention.

A full physical healing or releasing an emotional block can be completed within one session.

Sometimes though if a situation is complex, it may require several sessions.

If your intention requires many facets to be covered, for example to create a happier life, we may work together throughout several sessions until you feel satisfied with the transformation you'll experience.


Who are your clients?

Anyone who is open to energy healing and willing and wishing to transform their lives.


Does it really work?


There have been thousands of cases of instant healings through ThetaHealing® Technique around the world and even more of lives being transformed. It is not a new technique, it's been there for over 20 years and there are multiple documented cases of healing. You can check out this book "ThetaHealing: Introducing an Extraordinary Energy Healing Modality" by Vianna Stibal to learn more about the miraculous power of this technique.


What are some specific focuses of sessions you offer?

For everyone:

For pregnant women:

  • Enjoying pregnancy
  • Releasing fears related to birth or motherhood
  • Releasing worries and doubts related to birth and motherhood
  • Releasing traumas from past emotional and sexual abuse
  • Stress management in pregnancy
  • Healing depression in pregnancy

(Sessions only after 1st trimester)

For new mamas:

  • Balancing hormones
  • Releasing traumas from difficult births
  • Releasing depression
  • Releasing fears related to motherhood
  • Strengthening or developing bonding with your newborn


What are your fees?

Regular In-Person or Distance Session - $125

In-person session at your home -$225

Energetic cleaning of your home - $250

Past life regression - $350



OK, I’m ready to do this for myself, how can schedule a session?

Good, sounds like you’re ready to be pulled into your BLISS! Click below to schedule your session.

I can’t wait to see you finding your best health, your happiness, your confidence and peace of mind and feeling fully empowered on your life journey. And I am honored to be the one to help you. Let’s get going!



To Your Peace, Confidence & Freedom,




Disclaimer: "ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK at www.thetahealing.com"