90 Days to Empowering, Conscious Birth & Healthy, Happy Baby™ program

It's a one on one mentoring program I developed for expecting mothers around the world to support and guide them throughout the wide range of choices in their pregnancy and recommended actions steps they need to apply to have a peaceful, healthy pregnancy and an empowering birth. 

You can be anywhere in the world. We will work via online tools to connect and work together.

Overcoming your fear and embracing your conscious pregnancy and birth begins with understanding your true value, where your power really comes from, how to manifest what you want (including the birth you want), creating powerful intentions that get you results as well as the outer pieces to powerfully get yourself into the healthy, blissful pregnancy mode and to totally experience and own the birth of your child. Here’s what the System gets you to do:

1. Set Your Intentions

We examine where you are in your journey to becoming a mother and get CRYSTAL clear about your intentions, what you want to experience in your pregnancy, birth and motherhood. Before you can manifest what you want you have to KNOW what you want.

2. Release Fears and Doubts

The biggest BLOCKS on the journey to becoming a conscious, empowered mother are FEARS and DOUBTS. This applies to pregnancy, birth and mothering. Sometimes women realize what they are and what they are causing them to do or NOT to do, and sometimes they do not even know what makes them feeling stuck and spinning in circles. In both scenarios, they unable you to achieve what YOU truly WANT! We will work on identifying and releasing inner resistance, self doubt, fear, anxiety and all of that “stuff” that keep you from blossoming so that you can experience pregnancy, birth and mothering the way you deeply desire.

3. Practice Being in The Moment and Being Grateful

You’ll be learning techniques allowing you to be more present. When we live in the moment, we do not dwell over the past and we do not worry about the future. When we are present and in the moment, our experiences of things and relationships are stronger and more powerful. We enjoy MORE! When we are present for our children, the bonding, communication and connection are so much stronger and the results we get from these interactions so much more meaningful. And learning how to be grateful on a daily basis for the gifts of the Universe will only bring more miracles and goodness into your life.

4. Understand What ‘Healthy’ & ’Conscious’ Pregnancy & Birth mean?

We’ll spend considerable time discovering what ‘Healthy’ & ’Conscious’ Pregnancy and Birth truly mean and what can be done to achieve those. There is a lot of info out there and it can be overwhelming to filter through all of that. I will help you to find resources that are most valuable so that you do not waste your time and provide you with tools that will make it all clear and easy to apply.

5. Learn to Trust Your Intuition

We’ll look at your trust towards your very own intuition. If you’ve no idea what I am talking about, you will definitely get it once we go through the program together. If you’re already connected and sense your intuition, we will work on making this connection stronger. Trusting your intuition as a Mom-to-be and as New mom is the most valuable thing you will ever have.

6. Create the Vision of Your Birth

Without a clear vision of what you want for the birth of your child, you will not be able to get it. It’s like taking a back seat in a car that you vaguely know where it’s going, who is driving it and why you even going with them. After going through the steps above, you will have a pretty good idea of what you want and what you do not want. I will facilitate your process of creating your very own vision of birth. Once you have it, you can manifest it. Once you have it, the communication with your birth team to set up expectations will be really easy.

7. Understand What It Takes To Boost Your Odds

It is hard to know what it really takes to ride a bike without having ever done it before. It’s exactly the same with pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and mothering. If you’ve never done it, you can read about it, watch movies about it, take classes about it, but still it’s hard to grasp what you might be missing in the full picture. NOT with me! Even though it might be your first time, I will make sure we boost all your odds for you to have the most powerful and meaningful experience you could possibly have.

8. Focus In – Take Action Steps

We’ll look at what you should be focusing on to move towards the direction of your intentions. What actions you need to be taking each day to leverage your time, effectiveness and break-though blocks ability so that you feel healthy and vital in your pregnancy, you experience peace of mind and clarity and so that you will be looking forward to the day of your baby’s birth with joy and confidence.

9. Embrace Unknowingness and Trust

With my support you’ll get to the point where you are OK with whatever needs to happen. It doesn’t mean that you’re apathetic about what happens or that you turn all the choices over to somebody else. You will build a birth team that you fully trust, you will totally trust in your intuition, inner strength and your body. And you will also get to understand that we respect and revere birth because we cannot control it. It is your journey but it is also your baby’s journey! They do decide how they want to come to this world – and this is why they chose YOU for their mother. It will be important for you to feel calm enough about your birth that if it doesn’t work out exactly the way you envisioned, you can adjust and keep on moving. Nothing will throw you. You will go with the flow. You will trust the process! You will trust the Source! And this is where empowerment comes through YOU!

10. Celebrate!

We’ll focus a lot of our time celebrating wins and creating the new habit of celebrating what’s showing up for you. Every step towards change and every decision big or small deserve celebration. What you focus on expands and everything you are learning and experiencing is of your creation. Celebrate what shows up so you can pave the way for even more goodness and abundance!


Does this really work?

Yes! My clients have repeatedly confirmed that after working with me they have experienced a healthier and more blissful pregnancy, peace of mind, self-confidence, clarity, fearlessness and conscious, empowering birth. (See Testimonials)


What results can I expect?

You can expect to:

  • Witness anxiety dissipate and experience peace and calm setting in
  • Feel empowered
  • Gain unshakeable confidence of “I CAN DO IT”
  • Let go and release the deepest fears related to pregnancy
  • Let go and release the deepest fears related to birth
  • Let go and release the deepest fears related to motherhood
  • Release stress related to pregnancy, birth and becoming a new mom
  • Release doubts related to your capacity to give birth
  • Find your peace of mind
  • Transform your beliefs around giving birth
  • Love your pregnant body
  • Feel supported
  • Feel empowered & excited about birth
  • Be educated and informed
  • Give birth with confidence
  • Feel positive in birth
  • Experience Self-Transformation
  • Find or strengthen the relationship with the Universe
  • Know how to make self-care part of your everyday life
  • Have more ease and grace in your pregnancy
  • Connect with your motherly intuition
  • Create deep connection with your growing inside you baby
  • Learn the healthy framework for your pregnancy
  • Gain the deep knowing within of “My body is made to do it”
  • Learn proven techniques for releasing fear and doubt so you can take action immediately and not allow those emotions to sabotage your vision for birth
  • Get crystal clear about your birth vision and what kind of mother you want to be
  • Find a deep connection with your partner
  • Learn how to communicate with grace with those around you
  • Learn how to stay away from negative influences
  • Have an empowering, positive birth (regardless of how your birth journey unfolds)
  • Feel comfortable with “UNKNOWINGNESS”
  • Learn how to draw power from the Spiritual realm, whether that is up from the earth, down from heaven, or through the loving people around you
  • Fill your gas tank & learn how to self nurture
  • Connect with your feminine power – the Adi Shakti  
  • Learn how to tap into a deep knowing
  • Enjoy being pregnant
  • Feel the joy of having the gift of giving life
  • Gain the understanding of a “holistic” approach to pregnancy, birth and mothering