Prenatal Yoga Khalsa Way®   - helping women become conscious mothers

Video produced by Babu:

I am a certified Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Khalsa Way® teacher as well as KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor. I trained with Gurmukh after months of practicing prenatal yoga Khalsa Way at Golden Bridge Yoga in New York City while pregnant with my daughter. I believe that this is what set me off for an amazing pregnancy and birth experience and a truly transformational journey.

The womb-life and first three years of life set the entire life’s course. Through conscious pregnancy, birthing and early parenting, we set the foundation for life-long health and happiness in a child. Yoga and Meditation may be the strongest offering that we can give to ourselves when pregnant. To actively move your body, to learn to breath properly, to close your eyes, to meditate, to go inside where your baby is - from this you will come to know your own truth.

The Khalsa Way® Prenatal Yoga was developed by Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa and is based on Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.

Over the course of the last 30 years, women's lives have changed as a result of The Khalsa Way®. The Khalsa Way® has touched hundreds of women, children, and families all over the world!

During nine-month pregnancy, a woman experiences the enormous physical, emotional and spiritual changes that prepare her to create and welcome another human being into the world. If a woman is living in calmness, radiance, joy and good health, this is the atmosphere in which her baby will enter the world.

The classes are a wonderful opportunity to share experiences with other expecting mothers and create strong and lasting friendships.

Discover the power of this ancient, grace-filled, time-tested practice.

Private and semi-private classes at the moment only

My classes:

Each class is 1.5 hour long and it incorporates:

  • Powerful, ancient breathing techniques

  • Asanas (yoga postures) specifically designed for a pregnant woman

  • Meditations and mantras (sound current vibrations) to help you prepare for a positive birth experience and motherhood

  • Mudras (hand positions are physical gestures that have an effect on the energy flow of the body)

  • "Keep up" exercises developing your strength and taking you beyond what you thought you could do

  • Chanting

  • Sometimes dancing

  • Long, deep relaxation

If you cannot attend a live class, I strongly encourage you to practice it at least once a week on your own, and as often as every day, you will feel the difference!